Thursday, 20 November 2008

'Thursday's Child is full of woe'

I finally worked out why Thursday's child is full of woe. They're born on a Thursday. Yes, I know, how obvious is that. No, I'm serious - there isn't another day that can hold a candle (or whatever the opposite of a candle is) to Thursdays
They're such horrible days!

I personally hate Thursdays because:

It's the type of day you don't want to wake up to, it doesn't still have the promise of a fresh week, or the halfway point to the week, and on Thursdays, I'm always sooo tired.

I also hate Thursdays because of Self-Defence in the evening. That just puts the icing on the cake, in opposite terms, of course.

I love Mondays in spite of that horrible cloud (Self-Defence), can stand Tuesdays, am okay with Wednesdays, and practically bounce out of bed on Fridays.
Okay Dad... I'll tell them - I NEVER bounce out of bed. Ever.
Besides, why do Thursdays nearly always rain?

Another thing, I, having some kind of thing for hating Thursdays, absolutely hate it when I walk into a shop somewhere, and the people at the counters are discussing things, then one of them goes
"It's Thursday!"

And the other one rolls her eyes upwards and sighs audibly loudly

"Finally! I thought it would never come round!"

What sort of a person thinks that about a Thursday?

(And also, what sort of a person needs to be told that it's Thursday to remind them... why can't they just look out the window?)

There is this problem when someone rushes up to me and tells me they're getting married.

"Who to? Why? When?!!" I ask

"Thursday the 4th of Februrary" or something they reply

"No!!" I have to scream "Don't do that! It would be making a terrible mistake"

"You don't like my husband-to-be?" she twiddles her ring

"No, I like Harry, I meant, don't get married on a Thursday."

"B-b-but" she mutters "Harry was born on a Thursday!"

"Scratch that about liking Harry. I've got to see him again and revise my opinion of him"

Of course this story never happened, but it's perfectly plausible, er, isn't it?

. Okay, maybe not.

And... please allow me to return to my Chemistry, secure in the knowledge that I've fulfilled my civil duty and written a blog post.



thedude said...

Kl! I'm glad to see you posted again! Very pleased. I couldn't wait for you to get back to posting. Are y'all still really busy?

I've got my new job figured out now; I'm sort of a co-manager of the production of Ernie Smith & Sons Roofing Co. I tell the customers and crews when we're starting a re-roof job or repair, and I order the material list from the supplier etc. It's very neat working in a quiet and sophisticated (most of the time anyway...except when the boss is out!) atmosphere. I have my own office which makes it even better.

I know, I owe you an email. I'ma get to it A.S.A.P.
