Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Innit, though?

Rhetorical Questions is the next subject at which I have decided to take a look.

(Having a blog like this is like thinking out loud. You know?)

Now, I believe there are two great faults to our language at the moment. One is the overstrenous use of like, like.

"I'm like, standing there like, and I'm like WOW like, look who's over there like! It's like, the best actor, in like, the whole wide world, like! And I'm like fainting, like aren't I like?"

Now, I for one am quite happy to use like quite a bit, like, but not like in every sentence!

(It's got me starting now!) - And if I'm in a conversation where I'm tongue-tied (Yep, I know , completely unbelieveable, but it does happen :D) I'll use 'like' to sort things out [like] a bit.

Until I'm back on track. But using it in every single phrase is a bit much.

The other, is over use of rhetorical questions, right?

"I'm standing there aren't I? And I'm looking straight in his direction innit? And he [like] looks right at me, doesn't he? I mean, it's Johnny Depp right? Innit like the best thing that's like ever happened to me?"

Of course, no-one ever, ever, writes like that. If they use that type of wording when they speak to you, the writing will be more like this:

H comz ovr an lookz at me, im like rofl cuz hes l OO(big eyes for some reason) kn at me str8, like, isn't he?. Spk to ya laterz thn.

Ten out of ten if you could decipher that. I had trouble, and I wrote it!

Now, that I've just gone and slated people who abuse my lovely language, I'll apologise. You know, just in case!

If you happen to write like that, I'm not thinking of you (I have a completely blank mind, don't worry) and I don't think any the worse of you

Now.. a bit of news.I was very sick yesterday and Lord's Day evening, basically just rushed straight out of the car from the journey home from church and straight into bed, and was very sick a few minutes later.

Because of a blinding headache, etc, Mum thought it could possibly be meningitis; but I failed to come up in spots. (Um, if I had come up in spots, by that time, it would have been too late!)

Then yesterday, my head began to hurt really funny, in a strange place. Mum assured me she didn't think it was a brain tumor (I wasn't walking funny or seeing black spots yet) - but I wasn't so sure. Honestly, I was worrying that I might die.

Alex was very helpful and kind. He wanted to know if I would leave him my laptop. Ever heard the expression - Where there's a will, there's a relative? Or relatives, in my case.

Thankfully, I'm fine now, but Lucy's feeling sick... oops!

Well, signing off now, as I have lots to do, and things to write out. Just before I go, in my Scripture and Catechism Exercises - I have a question

"Write about what David did to the water that the three mighty men brought him"

Is it just me, or did he just take the gift and practically pour it out on the floor.



thedude said...

Ahem, was made an offering to God. (Yes, I know you knew that...I just had to sound like I was a know-it-all)

Really, like, your sarcasm like wears off on me like horribly, and I get like in trouble for use of sarcasm like ten more times a day by reason of like just reading your blog! ROFLMSO! (Not literally - see? more sarcasm!)

And FYI on the language bit...I only write like that in text messages when there's a character limit. Otherwise I use good grammar. Hopefully? (Oh, was that a rhetorical question, like?)