Friday, 28 November 2008

Boris Johnson

Today, one day late from the days I like to update my blog, due to sickness, I am looking at Boris Johnson.
Now, what do you think?
Is he the worst thing that has ever happened to London or the best?
Well, he's a sight better than Ken Livingstone so he can't be the worst!

Did you know I saw Ken Livingstone once...?

Dad pointed him out to me - and I didn't know which man in the middle of hundreds in a suit he was.

Let that tell you how much I knew about politics at the age of 12.

Anyway, lets move onto Boris, our newish mayor (oh yeah!)

First of all, Boris, I have a piece of advice for you - and even if you never read this, I've said it.

Sue Your Hairdresser

Now, there was a reason for bringing Boris into the conversation today. He's thinking of getting rid of the congestion charge??!?!?

It would appear, from the amount of cheering when he mentioned doing it, that he has most of London behind him.

I for one don't care.
I don't drive, and anyway, our family gets off paying it because our car is larger than a nine-seater.
(It's not a car then, is it?) - but apparently a lot of people were very happy when he mentioned getting rid of the West-End congestion charge

Obviously, Boris is just doing this so he gets voted back in next time, right?

What a character!

He's self-centered, will do absolutely anything to get the vote; doesn't care less about carbonised gas (or whatever it is that makes the ozone layer dissapate), and has the weirdest hairstyle of all time!

Now for the best part - if you do happen to have a minute or two - google Boris Johnson and father... go to the top left corner of the page and click on images.
Now look at his father. Yep, that's right, Boris Johnson is the spitting image of his father. Hairstyle and all!

This leads up to the question: who started it?

Does Mr Johnson Senior want to look like his now famous son, or was Boris always someone who wanted to be like his father??

I think that Mr. Johnson senior wants secretly to be like Boris, as he's now trying to get a conservative seat somewhere.

It is my humble opinion that Boris's father has some inferiority issues.

Let's move off the subject of our mayor now...

Last post I said that I was over the illness - how wrong can you get?

I'll spare you the details, but I was rather sick that very evening and continued to be O.O.A (out of action) for the proceeding 48 hours.

I 'think' I'm better now, but I'll say nothing, just in case!

That's about it for now, I'm hoping to get Mum's old camera working up again, so I can put some snapshots on here, instead of it just being boring old words all the time.

Till next time


Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Innit, though?

Rhetorical Questions is the next subject at which I have decided to take a look.

(Having a blog like this is like thinking out loud. You know?)

Now, I believe there are two great faults to our language at the moment. One is the overstrenous use of like, like.

"I'm like, standing there like, and I'm like WOW like, look who's over there like! It's like, the best actor, in like, the whole wide world, like! And I'm like fainting, like aren't I like?"

Now, I for one am quite happy to use like quite a bit, like, but not like in every sentence!

(It's got me starting now!) - And if I'm in a conversation where I'm tongue-tied (Yep, I know , completely unbelieveable, but it does happen :D) I'll use 'like' to sort things out [like] a bit.

Until I'm back on track. But using it in every single phrase is a bit much.

The other, is over use of rhetorical questions, right?

"I'm standing there aren't I? And I'm looking straight in his direction innit? And he [like] looks right at me, doesn't he? I mean, it's Johnny Depp right? Innit like the best thing that's like ever happened to me?"

Of course, no-one ever, ever, writes like that. If they use that type of wording when they speak to you, the writing will be more like this:

H comz ovr an lookz at me, im like rofl cuz hes l OO(big eyes for some reason) kn at me str8, like, isn't he?. Spk to ya laterz thn.

Ten out of ten if you could decipher that. I had trouble, and I wrote it!

Now, that I've just gone and slated people who abuse my lovely language, I'll apologise. You know, just in case!

If you happen to write like that, I'm not thinking of you (I have a completely blank mind, don't worry) and I don't think any the worse of you

Now.. a bit of news.I was very sick yesterday and Lord's Day evening, basically just rushed straight out of the car from the journey home from church and straight into bed, and was very sick a few minutes later.

Because of a blinding headache, etc, Mum thought it could possibly be meningitis; but I failed to come up in spots. (Um, if I had come up in spots, by that time, it would have been too late!)

Then yesterday, my head began to hurt really funny, in a strange place. Mum assured me she didn't think it was a brain tumor (I wasn't walking funny or seeing black spots yet) - but I wasn't so sure. Honestly, I was worrying that I might die.

Alex was very helpful and kind. He wanted to know if I would leave him my laptop. Ever heard the expression - Where there's a will, there's a relative? Or relatives, in my case.

Thankfully, I'm fine now, but Lucy's feeling sick... oops!

Well, signing off now, as I have lots to do, and things to write out. Just before I go, in my Scripture and Catechism Exercises - I have a question

"Write about what David did to the water that the three mighty men brought him"

Is it just me, or did he just take the gift and practically pour it out on the floor.


Thursday, 20 November 2008

'Thursday's Child is full of woe'

I finally worked out why Thursday's child is full of woe. They're born on a Thursday. Yes, I know, how obvious is that. No, I'm serious - there isn't another day that can hold a candle (or whatever the opposite of a candle is) to Thursdays
They're such horrible days!

I personally hate Thursdays because:

It's the type of day you don't want to wake up to, it doesn't still have the promise of a fresh week, or the halfway point to the week, and on Thursdays, I'm always sooo tired.

I also hate Thursdays because of Self-Defence in the evening. That just puts the icing on the cake, in opposite terms, of course.

I love Mondays in spite of that horrible cloud (Self-Defence), can stand Tuesdays, am okay with Wednesdays, and practically bounce out of bed on Fridays.
Okay Dad... I'll tell them - I NEVER bounce out of bed. Ever.
Besides, why do Thursdays nearly always rain?

Another thing, I, having some kind of thing for hating Thursdays, absolutely hate it when I walk into a shop somewhere, and the people at the counters are discussing things, then one of them goes
"It's Thursday!"

And the other one rolls her eyes upwards and sighs audibly loudly

"Finally! I thought it would never come round!"

What sort of a person thinks that about a Thursday?

(And also, what sort of a person needs to be told that it's Thursday to remind them... why can't they just look out the window?)

There is this problem when someone rushes up to me and tells me they're getting married.

"Who to? Why? When?!!" I ask

"Thursday the 4th of Februrary" or something they reply

"No!!" I have to scream "Don't do that! It would be making a terrible mistake"

"You don't like my husband-to-be?" she twiddles her ring

"No, I like Harry, I meant, don't get married on a Thursday."

"B-b-but" she mutters "Harry was born on a Thursday!"

"Scratch that about liking Harry. I've got to see him again and revise my opinion of him"

Of course this story never happened, but it's perfectly plausible, er, isn't it?

. Okay, maybe not.

And... please allow me to return to my Chemistry, secure in the knowledge that I've fulfilled my civil duty and written a blog post.


Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Another blog. Another year older. Another year wiser ;)

Hi there!

I'm sure, unless you own a blog of your own, that you have no idea how it feels to be with a blog, and suddenly without one. I keep thinking - Oh, that can go on my blog - and then thinking... er, Constance - what blog??

So, another blog, another year! It's over a year since I started, and so to follow the example of my mother I'll change my blog every year. Saves you getting bored like.

We had the family photos again on Saturday, a yearly ritual that we all hate dearly. I mean, so would you, if you had to stand for hours in the cold smiling at a camera when smiling is the furthest thing from your mind!

Not to mention that it was rather muddy in the garden, and my heels kept misbehaving and sinking. Yes, I know - I'm wiser, I shouldn't be wearing that type of shoes. If I explain the situation, maybe you'll understand.

You see, we were standing in chronological order for most of the time, and I happened to be beside Alex.

In flat shoes, I'm at the most 5ft 8"

And he's 6ft 3"

Get the picture?

I don't like being short, and I'm sure you'll agree this was no time to be short, as the photos that Dad were taking are going round all our dusty old relatives. I mean, who wants to be greeted by an old aunt who says

"My dear! You must be the short one. No place for you in modelling I always told my old Alfred - strange.... *mutter mutter* these magazines and such only take such tall thin girls"

Okay that was just my terrible imagination, what would REALLY happen is someone would say

"My! You've GROWN!!!!"


So, to cut a long story short, the reason why I was wearing taller shoes was because I didn't want to be forever known by people who only see my picture as the girl who only comes up to her brother's elbow. (Yes! I know it's not that bad - let me have my moment will you?)

I haven't seen my pictures yet, but I have this sneaking suspicion that they're not great. My hair wasn't straightened, and it was in a bun for most of the family pictures, Dad made me pull it out for the solo pics.

I'm sure I looked like someone from the seventies.

Ah well, what do I have good photo editing software for anyway? If not to touch up photos and send them out airbrushed.

Well, I've made my first post on a blog I've been planning for WEEKS. I'm going to try and update it on Tuesdays every week, and any other day I get a chance to.

It took me ages to come up with a name for the blog - everything just seemed wrong, so I just stuck with one-in-twelve as my url and So Yesterday as the name.

Why that? Well, most of the stuff I write on here is soooo yesterday anyway! (You see, people, this is what's called impeccable logic!)

So, comment and tell me how you like it!

Due one of my blogger friends having a problem with his blog turning into a debating board, I'm not going to mention Obama, Clinton, or ANYTHING to do with politics.

But on that note - don't you think it's time we British had another election. Gordon Brown has got to get OUT.

*I just mentioned politics didn't I?*

