Wednesday, 23 September 2009


I had another beautifully written blog post here, and rather unfortunately, it disappeared.
That might have something to do with my laptop suddenly going out of battery. Or it might not.
Anyway, consider yourselves lucky, you escaped having to read a story about accents that thinking back on it, reflecting (and of course, faced with the bother of rewriting it) I've decided it was distinctly unfunny and unblogable.

I hope there is such a word.

Talking of words or, more importantly, English - I was reflecting the other night at three in the morning when I couldn't sleep, that the word 'indeed' has indeed gone 'out of action'. The only people who appear to use this word constantly are geeks, avid Shakespeare fans, and of course the older generation (I was going to write Old People, but suddenly remembered my Mum using the word the other day...)

Take this for example: being English, and uncharacteristically friendly, I remark to an old acquaintance

"It's a nice day!" (what an original line!)


I suddenly feel out of my depth, out of date. This feeling is not unlike what I imagine cheese must feel when it discovers it past its' sell-by date. I am half expecting the acquaintance to begin to sport a toothbrush mustache, cigarette and make a remark on the 'dratted war' (begging the pardon of all ladies present of course).

Of course, nothing happens of the sort, but times are changing, some for the better, some for the worse.

Cheerleader pom-poms arrived in the shop last Saturday. I can only be thankful that the previous owner had the sense to donate them.

Cheerleading is not my idea of cheering at a sports event. A true English sign of support would be holding up cheap card (Made in China) above the head to create, with thousands of others, an England flag.

I always wondered what would happen if one lone supporter didn't feel like raising his card. Would he be flung out??

Do they have men in the sidelines to fill in for any unsupportive supporter?

No sooner had that thought crossed my mind, when I realised - there is no such thing as an unsupportive supporter. No, actually, what I was meaning to say was there is no such thing as an English Football Supporter, who isn't supportive. He/she may be drunk, may be on their very last legs, but they *will* make it to hold up that last vital card.

It's not a case of failed gymnasts parading around the pitch with pom poms, chanting something along the lines of "We support England, we support Burbery, we support Gordon's Plastic Surgery"

Sour grapes are NOT involved in all this reasoning, by the way. Had I ever wanted to be a cheerleader, I would have undoubtedly made it.

At least that's what my parents have always told me... (it wasn't cheerleading in the offing, if you were wondering at their shameless lack of morals)

A month until I turn 17!

I know I'm now going to sound like someone (everyone) over the age of 40, but I simply cannot believe I'm that old. I won't go so far as to say "I remember me when I was 'this high'" (the speaker will now indicate an impossibly tiny height off the ground - I've seen bigger carrots)

Talking of which, I Iive in a town, I'm not part of a small country village that competes on the size of carrots..


The Vegan One said...

'Indeed' is an awesome word indeed. I arrived here via Mystery Google. If you choose to accept your mission, Mission: email a pic of a sign saying 'MLIA' to OR ring 00447515873558 and sing your favourite song!

Have a good day,
Niz xxx
p.s. I agree about cheerleading.

A. Brouwer said...

oh my dear connie,
i had to laugh as i read your blog. when you read it you need to be very alert or you will become lost and have no idea what happened as everything seems to be... let me say ... hmmm as i try to thing of the appropriate wording ... added with thought yet rambleing.
any way, i know many people including myself who use the word INDEED but i believe we use it with a far different expression than what "the older generation" might use. yet not quite like a geek. oh and "we" my "indeed people" that is range from the age of 18-21 so i hardly put myself in the older generation quite yet.
you must tell me about your whole Friday thing, i saw a picture but wasn't informed as to what it was all about
wish you all the best
sleep well

thedude said...

That means you're 17 already..and I totally missed your birthday!