Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Environmentally Friendly :-)

How's it going??

Anyone been up to anything much? I had a very busy weekend recently, and my schoolwork seems to be suffering for some reason I cannot figure.

Two words can sum up what the theme this month seems to have been. Evironmentally Friendly.
Seriously, though, who thinks up these things??

My chemistry, biology and geography have all dealt with the Carbon Cycle, and its effect on the human race in the last few weeks.

I honestly don't care if the way I'm living means that my great-great-great-nieces are going to have to have their laptops (or whatever they'll have) made of aluminium because plastic has run out and wood is rationed.

A few people seem to have drawn the conclusion that I'm anti-human, dangerous and thoughtless.

I admit, they do have something they sketch this conclusion off. I'm partial to using plastic carrier bags at the supermarket.

However, in my opinion, this one weakness should not warrant looks that would normally be directed toward a criminal whose face is on sheets around town with a WANTED sign above his head.

To be fair, though, the main perpetrator in this dreadful affair probably has a husband whose sole dependence of income is his job on an oil rig.

But does it matter if Ms. Smart from Bond Street, visiting her mother stops by at one of the stores for a bunch of flowers, and smartly asks for a carrier bag? No, no of course not.

(Maybe it was figured that if treated with deference, Ms. Smart might employ said husband who may, or may not, work on an oil rig.)

So, suddenly we are under tremendous pressure to sort out our rubbish, and stick our paper in a paper bin, think twice before we chop down rainforests, take the bus instead of a car. What next? Will the amount of trees we're allowed in our back garden be rationed?

Will we have to start growing a jungle in the house to create enough oxygen to compensate the amount we use?

Will we have to go back to burning peat fires, so the fossil fuels don't run out, and above husband doesn't lose his job??

Enviromentally friendly, you say? Whatever happen to humanly friendly? Maybe a lack of oxygen does this to people.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

It's been a while...

The neglect, though terrible, is not intended.

I really should think about removing that subtitle.

I'm not even making myself laugh, and I've definitely stopped criticising Self-Defence (in public.)

Actually, I think, just to make this blog a whole lot more interesting, I should make it a fiction blog.
Such as:

What a day today! I shot out of bed and slid downstairs.

Hit the breakfast table (without literally hitting it) - and got on the go.

It's interesting, but one does not expect to see the Prime Minister sailing down the high street in an upended umbrella on the way to work, but the normality that each of the shoppers and shopkeepers were practicing forced me to keep my face straight.

(It also made me wonder if I could be hallucinating)
The start to the day seemed to dictate, however, that it would be no ordinary morning.
I reached the shop, and the picture before me made me sway on my high heels, and turn as pale as a sheet.
Gypsies had camped around the shop. That was not all. Adding insult to injury; they were audaciously refusing to let us in!!

Their grim faces assured us that they would outfit themselves from our shelves, eat our biscuits and sit on our chairs before they deigned to leave.
Some-one thought about calling the police
None of us noticed the over 60s campaign for "Free Botox" spilling along the high-street....

You see??? Far more interesting than:

It was a tiring day. I'm tired. I saw this gorgeous handbag. I couldn't afford it.

I think I need a camera!
