Why does it always happen to me?
Why can't it happen to Angelina Jolie? (and no, just because I mentioned her does not mean for a second that I admire her, or aspire to be like her, or even have taken much interest in her. But I have heard her name. . .)
Alnd I'm aware that she is somebody famous who would never do what I just did)
Am I clear?
Good, let's move on.
I take some of the younger siblings swimming once a week.
Well, yesterday was no different.
Er, well, except the part that I was wearing high heels.
Yes, I know, I know. But my ballet pumps are completely worn out, and my other three hundred pairs of shoes are unsuitable.
Anyway, this interesting (note sarcasm, note sarcasm) problem wasn't any problem at all. Until. The Zebra Crossing. (Americans - check Google for translation).
Now, to go out with a few younger children, quite apart from a remarkably good nature, a brave feeling and good storytelling abilites (for the bus of course), you need to hold tightly onto the two youngest, to ensure that they are not inclined to go running in any direction of a white van, or after a dog.
And to hold JTJ's hand proves to be quite difficult at times, so I hold onto him tightly. Ensuring that he stays close to me.
This works perfectly, you understand, until he steps on my shoe. My foot moves. My shoe stays still.
I'm shoeless. In the middle of the road. With my siblings surrounding me.
And on both sides of the crossing, drivers are impatient to get home to their shepherd's pie, or cheese on toast or whatever. . .
So, I turned around, practically hopping, and went after my shoe. Just as I was about to slide it back onto my foot, J trips, and sends it flying over the zebra part and onto the road. So, as some of us cross to the other side, I hold tight on to J and make my way toward this shoe.
(Please bear in mind both drivers were drumming on their steering wheels with impatience, and shopkeepers were sticking their heads out of shops to see what was causing the commotion on the road. Shoppers were stopping, looking and staring. The ladies in the nail salon painted all the way on to their customers' arms while keeping an eye on me dancing across the road)
And I remained steady, stable and in good character.
Retrieving my prodigal shoe, I strode to the end of the crossing, mouthing "sorry" with an apolgetic grin to each of the drivers.
Then, as soon as I was on my way down our road, I started to laugh.
Well, what else could you do?? It was that or cry.
I've been working on this reputation for years; you know, the cool, calm collected, (funny, witty, clever :0) - somewhat based off Elizabeth Bennet demeanour.
Demeaning is exactly what it was.
Let's move on.......
*Wail* it was so embarrasing!!
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Nightmare?? No, that was reality.
Posted by Const-T at 13:36 4 comments
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Out ---
Hello again.
My recent trips all over the place have yielded many interesting results. I can now add the picture of an old man blow drying his feet to my reportoire.
(Whatever that is)
The old man in question was immediately suspicious upon seeing me; suspicious that I might knock him down.
You understand, he was in somewhat of a precarious situation, having to balance against the wall to blow dry his feet.
I emphasize feet rather than foot.
After considering him for a few moments, I came to the conclusion that I might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb -or whatever that saying is - and knocked him down with a frying pan anyway.
No, no, I didn't really - there is no need to email my parents this time.
I'm sure you've guessed that I didn't see this old man drying his feet in a telephone box, on the bus, or even in the library - it was the swimming pool.
I felt the need to clarify that.
I really need to get a camera, there are moments that are just asking to be captured on film for posterity.
Not that I'd show them to you. That just makes me run the risk of being sued. I don't think they'd really have a chance of much money, suing me, by the way, but it is far better to be safe than sorry.
And now I have to run. Not really run, but get a move on.
I've got an orthodontist appointment to go to later, and a lot to get in before then.Yes, I know, the reason I jumped up into the air and yelled when I got my braces off was I because thought I'd never have to see an orthodontist again.
Now, nearly two years later, I'm going back to one.
I'll stop talking.
Posted by Const-T at 10:14 0 comments
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
It's late - I know
Righto, apologies over (I never did like those things much) - let's get down to business.First of all
But no, that isn't all I've been doing since I wrote here last. I've been working steadily at the piano, and now have everyone in the family gazing at me in awe and saying:
Posted by Const-T at 11:04 0 comments